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Special offer: free delivery, pay on delivery, faster and order now

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Email: support@dasoti.com

Phone: +255-XXX-XXXX

Our customer support team is available during regular business hours to assist you with any inquiries. If you have questions about our products, orders, or anything else, feel free to get in touch.

Business Inquiries:

Email: business@dasoti.com

For partnership opportunities, vendor inquiries, or any business-related matters, please reach out to our dedicated business team. We value collaboration and look forward to exploring new opportunities.

Visit Us:

Address: Binslum Plaza second floor SMAI GROUP OF COMPANIES LIMITED, Livingstone and TZ, Pemba St, Dar es 2333, Tanzanie 

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Feedback and Suggestions:

We value your feedback. If you have suggestions for improvement or want to share your Dasoti experience, please email us at feedback@dasoti.com. Your insights help us grow and serve you better.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Before reaching out, consider checking our FAQs page to see if your question has already been answered.

We look forward to hearing from you and ensuring your Dasoti experience is exceptional.

Warm regards,

The Dasoti Team